Backing up the database

Learn how to backup the database


  • Please ensure that you have installed pg_dump on your machine.
    • For Windows users, installation of PostgreSQL is required.
      • Alternatively, you can use chocolatey to install it.
    • Linux users can use their package manager to install it.
  • We have observed that even small sites can have databases with more than 100GB of data, so please make sure that you have enough space on your machine to store the backup.


To store the backup, please follow the below steps:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to store the backup.

  2. Run the following command:

    pg_dump -h <REMOTE_HOST> -p <REMOTE_PORT> -U factoryinsight -Fc -f <BACKUP_NAME>.bak factoryinsight


    • <REMOTE_HOST> is the hostname of the server where the database is running.
    • <REMOTE_PORT> is the port of the database (default is 5432).
    • <BACKUP_NAME> is the name of the backup file.
Postgresql is normally not exposed to the outside. In this case, you can port-forward it using Lens
This will not export the Grafana dashboard password. These are stored in Kubernetes secrets.


This section is untested !

To restore the backup, we assume that you have a new stack running and the database is empty. Please follow the below steps:

  1. Upload the database backup to the server where the database is running.

    kubectl cp <BACKUP_NAME>.bak <timescaledb-pod>:/tmp/<BACKUP_NAME>.bak
  2. Scale the kafkatopostgres deployment to 0.

    Click the Scale button to select the number of replicas for the Deployment.

    Lens Deployment Scale
    Lens Deployment Scale

  3. Open a terminal inside the timescaledb pod

    1. From the Pod section in UMHLens / OpenLens, click on united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-0 to open the details page.

    2. Click the Pod Shell button to open a shell in the container.

      Lens Pod Shell
      Lens Pod Shell

    3. Enter the postgres shell:

    4. Connect to the database:

      \c factoryinsight

  4. Delete the auto-generated database

    DROP DATABASE factoryinsight;
  5. Create a new database

    CREATE DATABASE factoryinsight;
    \c factoryinsight
  6. Put the database into timescale restore mode

    SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore();
  7. Restore the database

    \! pg_restore -Fc -d factoryinsight /tmp/<BACKUP_NAME>.bak
  8. Put the database back into normal mode

    SELECT timescaledb_post_restore();

Further reading

For more information, please refer to the following resources:

Last modified May 5, 2023: feat: finishing touches (1147002)