This article is only relevant for v0.9.10 and later.

Enabling RBAC for MQTT Broker

This article explains how to enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for the MQTT broker.

Before you begin

You need to have a UMH cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using the Management Console .

Enabling RBAC

  1. Go to the Releases tab in UMHLens / OpenLens.
  2. Select the release and click Upgrade. This opens the values file.
  3. Find the mqtt_broker section.
  4. Locate the rbacEnabled parameter and change its value from false to true.
  5. Click Upgrade.

Now all MQTT connections require password authentication with the following defaults:

  • Username: node-red

Changing the default credentials

  1. Open the shell of the HiveMQ pod in UMHLens / OpenLens.

  2. Navigate to the installation directory of the RBAC extension.

    cd extensions/hivemq-file-rbac-extension/
  3. Generate a password hash with this command.

     java -jar hivemq-file-rbac-extension-<version>.jar -p <password>

    Please replace password with your desired password without any whitespaces, and replace the version of the HiveMQ CE extension with version. If you’re not sure which version is installed, you can press Tab after typing java -jar hivemq-file-rbac-extension- to cycle through the available versions.

  4. Copy the generated hash.

  5. Open the united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-extension ConfigMap.


  6. Replace the password hash with the one generated in step 3.

  7. Save the changes.

What’s next

Last modified May 5, 2023: feat: finishing touches (1147002)