This article is only relevant for v0.9.9 to v0.9.10.

Upgrading v0.9.9 to v0.9.10

During the Helm Chart upgrade from v0.9.9 to 0.9.10 the following steps need to executed additionally to the following guide.

For every Helm Chart upgrade, the steps in the following guide need to be executed.

Upgrading the Helm Chart

Additionally, the following are the steps to upgrade from v0.9.9 to v0.9.10.

Steps before upgrading

New Grafana version

In this release we updated the Grafana version from 8.5.9 to 9.3.1. Check the release notes for further information about possible breaking changes that could affect you.


If you don’t have any custom Grafana plugins installed, skip to step 4.

  1. From Grafana, navigate to the Plugins section inside the Configuration tab

  2. Make sure that only the installed plugins are selected

    Show installed grafana plugins
    Show installed grafana plugins

  3. Write down all the plugins that you manually installed. You can recognize them by not having the Core tag. Also, the following ones already come with the UMH stack, thereby you don’t need to note them.

    • ACE.SVG by Andrew Rodgers
    • Button Panel by UMH Systems Gmbh
    • Button Panel by CloudSpout LLC
    • Discrete by Natel Energy
    • Dynamic Text by Marcus Olsson
    • FlowCharting by agent
    • Pareto Chart by isaozler
    • Pie Chart (old) by Grafana Labs
    • Timepicker Buttons Panel by williamvenner
    • UMH Datasource by UMH Systems Gmbh
    • Untimely by factry
    • Worldmap Panel by Grafana Labs

    Image of core and signed plugins
    Image of core and signed plugins

  4. From Lens, under Deployments, remove the Grafana deployment. This will cause a brief downtime, but no data will be lost.

  5. Now you can proceed with the other steps on this guide before upgrading.

Updating the Grafana init container

  1. Search for “grafana-plugin-extractor”

  2. Replace

      - image: unitedmanufacturinghub/grafana-plugin-extractor:0.1.4
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: init-umh-datasource
        - mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
          name: storage
  3. With

        - image: unitedmanufacturinghub/grafana-umh:1.1.2
          name: init-plugins
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp -r /plugins /var/lib/grafana/']
            - name: storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/grafana

Increasing the Kafka memory limit

  1. Open Lens and navigate to Helm > Releases and press on Upgrade.

    Lens, upgrade deployment
    Lens, upgrade deployment

  2. You will be presented with the values.yaml file. Press CTRL + F to open the search menu.

  3. Type cpu: 1000m and find the line that matches that value in the kafka section.

    Lens, set resource limits
    Lens, set resource limits

  4. Replace these lines:

          cpu: 1000m
          memory: 1Gi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 250Mi

    with these

          cpu: 1000m
          memory: 4Gi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 2560Mi
    1. Ensure, that the indentation is correct
      1. Wrong

        Lens, wrong indentation
        Lens, wrong indentation

      2. Correct

        Lens, correct indentation
        Lens, correct indentation

  5. Now search for heapOpts

    1. If you can’t find the line, go back to your previous search (by searching again) and add the heapOpts line, so it looks like this

            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 4Gi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 2560Mi
      heapOpts: -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m
    2. If the line is already existing, check if the Xmx and Xms values are at least 2048m and lower then the request.memory

Once you completed all the previous steps, you can press the upgrade button.

Steps after upgrading

After the upgrade is successful, you need to follow these additional steps.

In this upgrade we switched from using VerneMQ to HiveMQ as our MQTT Broker (you can read our blog article if you want to learn more about this). While this process is fully backwards compatible, we suggest to update NodeRed flows, and any other additional service that uses MQTT, to use the new broker called united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt. The old united-manufacturing-hub-venremq is still functional and despite the name also uses HiveMQ, but in future upgrades will be removed.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to enable password authentication for MQTT in a production environment. Follow this guide to learn how:

Enabling RBAC for MQTT Broker

Also, all services might now communicate via encrypted MQTT (MQTTS).

Last modified May 5, 2023: feat: finishing touches (1147002)